January 22, 2010

No Entry

Love a song deeply
It gave me meaningful feels
Love the feels
It come accidentally
Miss it much
Its fulfill my loneliness
Just keep repeat the song
Hundred and thousand times
Just keep repeat the feels
It will lost?
Is it too late?
I have no dare to have a answer
Deeply Refresh

January 11, 2010


That's the 1st article of the 2010~

Let's begin with the short paragraph of words

2009年的结束,正是2010年的开始。有人欢呼这一年的结束,有人依依不舍这一年的完结,更有人感慨这一年所发生的点点滴滴。无论这一年过得如何,是 好是坏,是否成功,快乐与否,它都已经结束了。2009年留下的足迹值得学习并吸取宝贵的经验,然而不停的回首只会让自己沾沾自喜,也可能让自己悔不当 初。淡然的迎接结束,充满自信的往前行,兵来将挡,水来土淹,现在胜于一切,确保自己将过充实的一年。


Ok, just can say that is a coincidence..

When i am ready to post this article

Then Miss Teh just send me this ~

Just can say too free

Senang till always sit and keep flash back 2009

That's lots memory..

I do appreciate that~

Some time just can say that is a fate that what had happen~

Isn't that's a new begin for me on 2010?

Wonder-ing . . . . . . . . . . .